The architecture of this enigmatic structure most resembles that of another anomalous structure, the Valley Temple of the Sphinx.
Geologists have found that the layer of earth above the Osireion gives the structure a minimum age of 18,000 years.
If, like every other temple on this planet, it was originally built above ground, then this monument dates far earlier than 18,000 years. |

photography by Ruth Shilling |
The entire egyptological/academic system has found it necessary to ignore any scientific evidence that does not uphold their dogmatic party line.
I discovered, early in my studies, that archaeologists and especially Egyptologists operate much more like the Roman Catholic Church, abandoning any credible exploration of actual events and mostly spend their time defending the fabrications of their employers and indoctrinators.
Case in point, most archaeologists credit the Osireion to Seti I, yet this ancient structure is fifty feet below the Seti temple complex... Smoke that, truth seekers! |