I recently married Janice, the most spiritual and magnificent being that I have ever encountered on this planet. As a wedding present, my mother, Virginia O’Toole, gifted us with this trip to Egypt. This site is a labor of love for the exquisite perfection of ancient Egyptian art, magick and architecture.
Ancient Egypt has captured my attention since I was about nine years old. In my core struggle to understand the absolute meaningless-ness of how reality is presented and indoctrinated into each person of this “western” culture of “scientific” materialism, I crafted requirements of a culture that was not a vacuous balloon of slavery/horror covered in a patina of lies sold with the platform of “believe in everything that I say, but don’t you dare investigate its veracity” mind-control bullshit.
As a child I realized the requirements of a culture of true meaning would be:
- A language that fully supports spiritual investigation and is built on the actual architecture of consciousness allowing the speaker to gain deep understanding from the construction of the words, grammar and sounds that directly communicate to the conscious, sub-conscious, un-conscious, and soul level awarenesses (at each of their own tonalities and priorities).
- A multi-depth writing system that speaks to both sides of the brain, while more-than-fully supporting the above language by adding in all the elements that can not be spoken, such as art, geometry and mathematics (as a start).
- A system of artistic presentation that counters the inherent limitations of the media it is on while more-than-fully supporting and integrating the writing and language systems above.
- A fully dynamic and alive learning system that leverages all three of the above while creating the consistent live-image opportunity to address any being’s yearning for understanding and knowledge of them selves and everything around them, no matter what level they are at.
- A family culture of appreciation and support for each person’s unique gifts, viewpoint and divine individuality, that creates a rich atmosphere of understanding and clarity for each person’s process and innate desire for excellence within.
- A societal structure that builds on all of the above, automatically providing for all the basic survival necessities (physical, emotional, karmic, mental, spiritual) while supporting the magnificence of individual understanding and fully purifying demonic, violent, abusive, mean, or unloving forces and behavior.
- The development of technology that provides benefits and support for all levels of reality simultaneously while embracing the importance of harmony with living nature, sacred society and right livelihood for everyone.
Ancient Egypt seemed to have some of the above qualifications engineered into its language, writing and art, while ALL current cultures and languages are almost completely devoid of any of these important and healthy qualifications and fully foster the total vacuousness needed to support a system of employment slavery and the commerce in materialistic trash.
Welcome to the Kali Yuga...
Philip Brautigam
Mount Vernon, Washington February 2008