We made our way into the magnificently unadorned Valley Temple of the Sphinx.
Ruth made sure to point out the energetic power spot, where we each stood to take it all in.
The Valley Temple’s exterior walls rise from just over 20 feet on the west side, to over 40 feet on the east side. Its core structure is built entirely of huge limestone blocks, hundreds of them, regularly exceeding 200 tons each in weight, the equivalent of nearly 300 family-sized cars! |
The Valley Temple at Giza is an absolute wonder of engineering with its distinctive architectural style that identifies it as being among the oldest stone buildings in Egypt, if not the world.
The only other known parallels in Egypt are the Sphinx Temple right next to it, and the mysterious Osirion at Abydos, in Upper Egypt.
When the granite facing was added, the limestone core was already heavily eroded, implying that the core block were already vastly old when this renovation took place.
Inventory Stelle implies that the Valley Temple (and the Sphinx), already existed during the reign of Khufu, who ruled more than 30 years before Khafre. |