Mereruka's mastaba is both the largest and finest of the Old Kingdom tombs at Saqqara. Mereruka lived under the reign of Titi, whose pyramid it lies next to.
There are dozens of hunting scenes in the tomb, with many kind of animals and fish. Net fishing, and spearing are depicted with a dozen or more different kinds of fish. Different antelopes and cattle are also shown.
His mastaba is very large -- 32 rooms in total. 21 of the rooms are for Mereruka, six rooms for his wife Watet-khet-hor (a priestess of Hathor), and five rooms for his son, Meri-Teti.
The foremost attraction of this tomb is clearly the life-size statue of Mereruka himself, placed in a niche overlooking a room whose ceiling rests on 6 square columns. |